carrd template by paletterph.

* lightbringer.

who are you? a man, a hero, a dragon? you have the heart of a dragon, did you know? and the heart of the ——— world? the weight of the world, certainly, hopes and dreams and fears resting upon your shoulders.

#( there is something within you that is ——— it simply is and you see and you view and you know more than you should and people are frightened by that, your knowing, that you see them and see them, the things that make their hearts scream and cry and ache and love.
this ——— echo. )


large themes of depersonalization and dehumanization in the name of becoming a hero and a symbol of hope for the general populace within. in addition, the sense of living in diaspora and having nowhere to belong as a result.

please read⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.⠀⠀⠀.





Wherever shall we begin? Where do you wish to begin? There is a beginning and a middle and not-quite end, but there are starts and stops and ends between. Let's begin here:You are found ( and perhaps you were brought into this world a babe or perhaps you were grown anew or perhaps, perhaps, perhaps ) by a man who you called father.


father. Tall and broad and warm-voiced, adoring and absolute, fearless in the face of death ——— as all Dothari are. But there was ( ... ) strife? Conflict? Something or other, and the clan was left behind, and you traveled, together. You and dear father."We do not fear death, Khara'ajirai. Remember that."


You died in your father's arms.( ... )No, wait.Your father died in your arms. Bandits or brigands or the Empire ( the empire, the empire ), somewhere within Kugane or perhaps without, you ——— don't ——— can't ——— won't remember. You never do.


Heroes come, too late. Barely too late. They are your saviours ( so they say ) and they behold you with horror in their hearts and guilt in your eyes. You feel it because you gaze into them and beyond them and experience. It is their/your life, feelings, guilts, regrets, love. Love."Where is home?" a woman says. tall. elezen.Silence. You don't speak for some moons after.

precious connections.

estinien varlineauazure dragoonbelovedhusband
alphinaud leveilleurstunning leaderstudentbrother/son figure
alisaie leveilleurblazing heartcompanionsister/daughter figure
y'shtola rhulenchantressall knowingbest friend
thancred watersdefenderkindredclose (semi-strained) friend
urianger augreltseeroverseerclose (slow build) friend
lyse hextliberatorfreedom fighterclose friend
papalymo totolymoanalyststeady heartfriend (there wasn't time)
minfilia wardeantecedentlight-heartclose friend
tataru tarusecretaryshrewd mindclose friend
sidurgu orldarkest knightteacherex / close friend
zenos yae galvusprincelingthe mirrorit's complicated

#character study.


grief is perhaps the last and final translation of love. this is the last act of loving someone. and you realize that it will never end. you get to do this to translate this last act of love for the rest of yttour life.

full name khara'ajirai kotsake.
years old 20 (ARR) — 28 (endwalker).
gender agender masculine.
pronouns he/they/she.
orientation gay.
species unknown (au ra appearing).
ethnicity steppe xaela.
star sign written here.
birthplace azim steppe / the lifestream.
residence radz at han (post endwalker).
position the warrior of light.
languages common, draconic, steppe-dialect, ishgardian.

*my wounds are exacted by love. love, love love. *

#* *personality.

The core of him is love, if you haven't been able to tell. He loves everyone and all and they are much like Alphinaud, in the way that he wants to try to save everyone. Because he has to try. He has to, because everyone has deemed them hero and everyone will look to him as saviour. His imagery is predominantly the sun ( naturally ), nature and otherwise earthy things, dragons and aligned creatures, phoenixes ( especially as they pertain to Azem ), heroism and its harrowing impact on the psyche and body, empty lonely and warm places, the all consuming weight and terror of guilt, places fallen and places still yet trying to grow, roots trailing, how the sun appears cold and indifferent it you simply look at it instead of the light that it casts. Somewhat reserved and withdrawn. They grew up traveling surrounded by adventurers and then deep in the forests of Gridania and the few people that were around found him rather odd and unnerving, what with him having spells all over the place and knowing the intimate details of traumatic events in their past. He's learned to withdraw, for other's comfort as well as his own. Not an Au’ra. He is, essentially, an amalgamation that is predominantly and overwhelmingly draconic intermingled with primordial light and is largely derived from Midgardsormr. Azem’s soul was stressed and splintered due to the repetitive rejoinings, in part due to Emet-Selch’s interventions in my own canon. It is so fractured that it shouldn’t exist anymore. Khara’ajirai should not exist and in fact, nearly didn’t, however Hydaelyn recognized this fractured soul and did her best to reform it into something that could exist, and requested that Midgardsormr contribute his blood and flesh. Therefore: Khara’ajirai. A raging martyr complex. This was an accidental acquisition while growing up, between internalizing his father's belief that death is nothing to fear ( being of the Dotharl clan ) and his mothers' heroics and adventuring antics, he internalized those things and somehow came to the conclusion that self—sacrifice is simply the way to go. He has a wildly poor preservation instinct and tends to run into danger without thinking about it, to the point where it comes off as intermittently suicidal. Honestly a bit of an airhead. If you don't get his attention specifically and just start talking in their presence they will almost certainly not hear a word that you say. Occasionally clueless, especially when it comes to social norms and the like. Terrible liar. Just god awful. If he's put on the spot to lie he'll stand there buffering for a long time and then say something ridiculous. He's entirely aware that he's an awful liar and avoids putting himself in situations where they have to lie as much as possible. Most of the time it doesn’t even occur to him to lie in any situation. Absurdly earnest. A lot of their inherent charisma comes from just how earnest he is and the fact that when he speaks everyone knows it's something that's coming from the heart, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Much of Khara'ajirai's story from ARR to about the end of Stormblood and even into Shadowbringers is the subconscious search for something to live for. What is the meaning of living? He replaces living with loving and throws himself from thing to thing in the name of "love," and while he does truly and genuinely love near everyone in existence, he isn't living for himself. Or for anyone, for that matter. To die for love, etc. He has had the Echo since they were a child, as a result of their ability to exist being because of Hydaelyn. The Echo tends to trigger in him far more frequently than the game portrays, and a lot of his childhood isolation was because he would mention it offhandedly to people, catching them off guard and oftentimes triggering fear, anger, or defensiveness.

height 8'2".
weight unknown.
build built yet, somehow, brittle.
complexion deep toned and pocked with scars.
hair length down to his upper thighs (post-enw)
hair color pure white.
eye color amber orange.
scarring extensive.
modifications none / light poisoning.
other features clawed hands, draconic feet.
scent woodsy and floral.
clothing style whatever tataru gives him.

#* *summary.

The truth is this : that you are odd, but you have known this all along, haven't you? You have seen how people react to you, look at you, look to you, and still you move through existence as if untouched by it all.At your core is love, this is an undeniable truth. You love immensely and immoderately but life and experience have taught you to moderate yourself. Modulate yourself. Your expression seems so very placid from time to time, cold, perhaps. Untouchable, distant, unwavering, faraway. So many think you ( ... ) frigid, in fact, and you are half—hurt by this and the hurt washes away, eventually.But you are reactionary, you are impulsive, you are fearful and tearful and looking. Seeking. Searching. What is the point? Why all of this? Where do you go, where do you exist? There is love and love and love and, oh.To die for love, what a way to go.You want ( ... ) you want so many things. You are wanting and hoping and wishing and waiting and you fit all that wanting into a box. You let it loose.They call you hero and saviour and you recoil but it gives you meaning and purpose and to die for love, to die for love. Love of the many and love of all and you do love all. You want to seek understanding, to know and see. You don't ———You don't want to become cold.You look cold but ———You want to express. You want people to understand as you understand, but to be seen and witnessed ( ... )It's hard. To live is to suffer, to live is hard.And sometimes your mind wanders. You aren't quite here or there or really anywhere until you are.

*love is flesh, it is a flower flooded with blood. *

powers and abilities.

white mage an adept and prodigiously powerful white mage from the very moment of his conception and creation into the universe, khara'ajirai is perhaps the strongest healer to ever exist on eorzea. he has all typical white mage capabilities and advanced and aggressive healing abilities, granting him the ability to heal essentially any wound that a person could sustain without outright dying ( though, the idea doesn't quite occur, that perhaps he could simply : raise the dead. fully. )dark knight having taken up being a dark knight following estinien criticizing him for running into battle without a thought as a healer, khara'ajirai is an adept swordsman. however, he tends to imbue nearly all of his abilties with light and augment his strength as a result of that, and cannot be considered a standard or typical dark knight as a mage in the midst of his aetheric balance becoming incredibly unstable as his light poisoning accumulated, his magic becomes unstable in return. to focus it, he learns from y'shtola the art of black magic, and though the vast majority of his spells are best saved for life threatening situations, as they tend to be immensely explosive.light aspected magic as above, all of his magic is light derived secondary to how skewed his magic is towards light. near everything he does, from feats to miracles to many mundane tasks, is overflowing with light magic. initially this is hydaelyn-aspected, shared by many who have the echo, though throughout endwalker it becomes something unique to khara'ajirai, altered by light poisoning as well as his altered existence following hydaelyn's death.primal blood well ( ... ) he's not really a primal, is he? right?















i have this strange feeling that i'm not myself anymore. it's hard to put into words, but i guess it's like i was fast asleep, and someone came, disassmebled me, and hurriedly put me back together agaioon. that sort of feeling.


hydaelyn's child 0-21. pre-canon timeline.

an infant found newly born on the steppe by dawa of the dotharl clan, taken in by him and raised by him until the age of five at which time a disagreement between dawa and then then-leader of the dotharl caused him to strike out on their own. tragedy struck when they were attacked by garlean soldiers and dawa died as a result, a band of adventurers too late to come to his aid. as a result, khara'ajirai was taken in by this adventuring group, and accompanied them on their travels. at the age of nine the adventuring group decided to disband, age being a primary factor, and c'rhosani and emmine asked to adopt khara'ajirai, who consented. the trio settled down deep in the gridanian forests and his mothers adopted more children. khara'ajirai, at approximately the age of fifteen meets louisoix serendipitously, though their paths quickly diverge. he is also a quest giver for the legacy warrior of light, requesting an herb to cure one of their siblings.

a realm reborn.

apparent adventurer 20-22. the "accidental" hero, as if hydaelyn didn't orchestrate this.

requested by his mothers to run an errand in gridania, khara'ajirai is quite accidentally swept up into a great deal of mess involving the scions of the seventh dawn and the world at large. unsure how to say now and unsure where to go, he allows himself to be brought into the fold and fashioned into something like a hero, automatically submitting to what seemed initially to be something straightforward but unfolded into something much, much more. during this time, he is also tracked down by the lancer guild to to a task for them, and meets estinien wyrmblood as a result, granting an apparently passing but intense fixation.


ishgardian enemy #1 22-23. a bad time for all involved.

in the aftermath of the fateful dinner, having nowhere else to turn and the responsibility for alphinau'd safety khara'ajiairai consents ( barely ) to being taken to ishgard. deeply uncomfortable in the city and treated with suspicion, he accompanies iceheart and the azure dragoon to find an end to the dragonsong war, more for the dragons than the ishgardians, on khara'ajirai's part. yet along the way, he learns much about estinien, and they begin to grow closer as the war comes to an end ( friends lost and gone and mourned, forevermore ), and khara'ajirai swears to save estinien above all else.


labeled liberator 23-25. is there a sense of humanness buried somewhere in there.

a war ended and another one to go. brought into the fold to resist garlean oppression and to assist freeing ala mhigo and its people, khara'ajirai meets a mirror in zenos yae galvus, and begins to recall that he, too may have something more to him than being the hero. it's a gradual thing, however, and there's a war to fight and places to free and the steppe to return to, at long last. he leaves the khagan in spirit and is gifted the title lightbringer by the dotharl, bolstering him through the remainder of the war, zenos felled by his and lyse's hand.


the warrior of darkness 25-26. the not so accidental hero, this time.

brought to another world by the machinations of the crystal exarch, khara'ajirai is tasked to be a hero again. he agrees gladly and undertakes the task of felling lightwardens, absorbing their light on top of his already intrinsically unbalanced aether, leading to his severe light poisoning. he begins to consider his existence and life and the meaning therein, missing someone far away, and as he's transformed into a sin eater by emet-selch, he hardens his resolve. triumphant, he's able to return to the source, and reunites with estinien —— in more ways than one.


the warrior of light 27-28. time to prevent the end of the world, or something.

the lauded warrior of light and symbol of hope, he accepts the task of stopping the end of the world as they know it, estinien and the scions of the seventh dawn beside him. the felling of hydaelyn marks a subtle change in him, though the consequences therein are fully yet to be seen, but in the end grapples with zenos, as khara'ajirai has discovered, at last, that life is worth living for. yet, with zenos unconvinced, they meet a nearly mutual end. in the aftermath, khara'ajirai and estinien marry each other ( in a private and impulse ceremony ) and settle, temporarily, in radz at han.


heroism (again) 28+. summer vacation time.

called to tural to assist in the acension to the throne, another adventure is about to begin.